Look at this beautiful blue eyed baby boy! Cael was 4 months old and that is such a tough age to photograph but I think I got some pretty great shots...but he's so cute how could I not :) And of course we had to get some shots of him with his oh so cute big brother Mr Cruz...such handsome boys!
Andrea and Mark wanted to do some of their engagement photos in the snow.....and these two were perfect for a snow session. Mark lived in Alaska for awhile and Andrea loves the snow! This girl is about as outdoors as they get :) I've known Andrea since she was in 5th grade and I'm so excited to shoot their wedding in September. Congratulations Mark and Andrea!
Just look at the cuteness all over Mr Boone! He is such a happy guy and I really enjoyed taking his photos. Boone's daddy was my oldest boy's football coach in high school...so getting to take photo's of his little guy was an honor for me. I can't wait to watch Boone grow up and someday I bet I'm watching him play football too :)
Sweet little Ella! She was so tiny and so sweet I think I could have just sat and held her all day long. Ella was a premi and was still so tiny when she came for her session but so alert and ready to look at the world. She is such a little beauty....Here are only a few of my favorites we took a bunch so it was hard to narrow them down :)
Logan was such a sweet little guy and was so easy to work with. I thought it was so sweet the way he kept hiding his face and curling up just like he probably was when he was all tucked in and warm inside mommy's belly...My very favorite from the day is the one here with his mommy...nothing more tender than mommy's touch.
As the snow continues to silently fall all around us do we dare stop to even think how each snowflake that has fallen is different...not any 2 are the same. The beauty of it all is hard to capture but as a photographer I try as many others do. I am so thankful for the beauty but I'm also thankful for the moments that the snow has provided for us as a family....hot cocoa, a warm bowl of chili, snow cream, a very silly snowman, a hot fire crackling in the woodstove, a good book or a funny movie...Hayden playing in the other room sometimes quietly sometimes running and screaming through out the house, lots and lots of Spongebob....neighbors coming out in the cold to help push you out of your driveway when you are stuck and other friends coming from miles to scrape the driveway so that you don't get stuck again....God gives us the snow it us up to us as His individuals to enjoy it and it's beauty or not....I choose to enjoy!
It's insane how much I love these photo's! Maybe it's because of the beautiful weather we had that day, or the amazing light that God provided that evening, or maybe it's because of how much I love Ronna and her family and now Cody too, or maybe it's how much Cody and Ronna are in love and how it show's on their faces.....Maybe it's all of the above?? I think so! All I know is I LOVE THIS E-SESSION! Congratulations to one of the cutest couples ever! I can not wait to shoot your wedding day :)